A recent article I wrote on “Strategic Quitting” seemed to hit home with many of you. A recurring comment was the word STRATEGIC – and the need to drill down and identify the most strategic thing to quit.
One person suggested that it’s like the DOMINO EFFECT. The first domino triggers a chain of events. As leaders we want to address the first domino!
I want to challenge you to revisit strategic quitting. Consider the following:
- Where in the domino chain is the item you have decided to quit? If it’s not the first domino – triggering a chain effect — keep at it!
- Many times the first domino isn’t an event or activity that we need to quit, but a belief or perspective. What’s the guiding principle behind your activities and events? Quit it!
- How ready are you to trigger a DOMINO EFFECT? (On a scale of 1 to 10) If your readiness is on the lower end of the scale, what’s up?
- It’s Domino time. Really. Get ’em out and line them up. Then trigger the first in a chain of events.
In many of our churches, ministry settings and lives it’s DOMINO TIME! Set your sights on the first domino, and then set the chain reaction in motion.
All the best to you,