A common complaint I hear from leaders is “I don’t have time to get everything done.
A simple strategy that often helps is to divide your “To-Do” list into two categories:
- Solid Time Activities, and
- Split Time Activities.
Solid Time activities require larger blocks ofuninterrupted time. Split Time activities are those items that can be accomplished rather quickly and interruptions and distractions have little impact, if any.
The next steps are simple:
- Schedule blocks of time to accomplish the Solid Time Activities. Consider going off site. Tell others not to interrupt you. Gather everything you will need for the Solid Time activity ahead of time so that you are ready to begin your work at the designated time.
- When you have a free moment or in-between events work on your Split Time Activities. Keep this list current and readily available.
I’ve been using the Solid Time and Split Time Strategy for years and I’m amazed at how much more productive I am.
All the best to you,