This month we are addressing the key shifts for today’s leaders. I’m pausing mid-point to highlight the concept of Multiple Paradigm Leadership.
Simply put, we are living in a time of unprecedented, continuous, RAPID shift. This is the environment of today’s leaders.
No one paradigm really fits – and if it does, not for long!
It’s like re-building the plane while you are flying it, only to discover that you need to re-build it again and again and again. It’s like a non-stop episode of MacGyver. You’re never really done and everything is in various stages of formation and transformation.
In future articles we will discuss strategies. For now I want you to simply acknowledge what is. Seeing and acknowledging is often the first step.
Resist the urge to judge the paradigms and the rapid shifts.That won’t help you fly the plane.
For now, be MacGyver-like and be creative and resourceful in the moment.
All the best to you,