One of things that I say to new coaches is that it all begins with listening!
Whether it’s coaching, ministry, or life. It all begins with listening.
Most of us get this! The real question is….How can we improve our listening?
Here are a few quick suggestions:
- Step out of the traffic! That’s Eugene Peterson’s version of Psalms 46:10. In other words, schedule stillness and silence. Go off the Grid!
- Practice selective listening: Train yourself to hear new and different things. If you usually listen to the words being spoken, start listening to what’s not being said. Or, pace and passion.
- Remember to W.A.I.T: W.A.I.T stands for: Why am I Talking? Count to three before you speak. Notice the difference.
As leaders, we need to be masters at listening to others, ourselves, and the Divine. One of the benefits of coach training is that the skill of listening is intentionally developed.
Go ahead – Step out of the traffic!
All the best to you,