Receive 3 Months of FREE Coaching:
Download two free Ebooks:
- 1-2-3 Coach and receive our free ebook and coaching audio. – Click Here
- Coach Your Way Through the Scriptures – Click Here
Discuss your next steps with Val: Schedule a Call.
- Val’s direct office number: 484.945.2767
- Skype: jvalhastings
Complete Module 1 Online: $275.00 for all 3 classes. (A savings of $175.00 off the regular price of $450).
- Three remaining classes:
- 102: Common Coaching Scenarios in Ministry
- 105: Getting Started as a Coach
- 106: The Coaching Agreement and Relationship
Register Below:
Remainder of Module 1
Cost: $275.00*
* An additional charge of $39.90 will be added to your cart upon checkout for 2 additional required textbooks: Ministry 3.0 and Change Your Questions, Change Your Church. If you have already purchased these books, you may click “Remove” to delete them from your shopping cart.
Enroll in Module 2: $995.00
- Module 2 consists of 32 additional hours of coach-specific training.
- Completion of Modules 1 and 2 meet the training requirements for the first coaching credential through the International Coach Federation: Associate Certified Coach
- Module 2 is offered in two formats: Online Distance Learning or On-site events.
Become Certified in Coaching at End of Life
- Visit for more information.