There is a popular saying that goes like this:
You can’t see the forest for the trees!
The idea is that we can get so focused on the trees – a single tree or a few trees – that we can lose sight of the bigger picture – the forest. This quote is a great reminder that we need to remember to regularly rise above the trees to rediscover the forest.
This quote has me thinking…..
- Trees and Forests – both are important.
- I tend to focus more on the Forest then the Trees. How about you? My hunch is that most people tend to gravitate toward one over the other.
- Intentionally schedule both Tree Time and Forest Time. We need to regularly focus on a few specifics at hand, while not losing sight of the bigger picture.
Pete Nelson, the star of Treehouse Masters, seems to model what I am suggesting. He is always taking in the bigger Forest view, while searching for that special tree that he falls in love with.
Let’s do the same!
All the best to you,